Top 5 Stories About South America
The World News web site is dedicated to keeping you well-informed about important world events. Recent news on South America includes: Geothermal Energy – Could oil alright come from space? SpaceX Success – How the Space Shuttle works; A strange new disease – Chagas disease; Iraq Death toll -2003
Geothermal energy: Some interesting facts about Geothermal energy are: 1. There are many Geothermal Resources in the World which are looking for resources to exploit.2. Geothermal Energy is primarily a resource of energy used to heat water and create steam power.3. To understand Geothermal energy, you should know that the Earth’s core, where chemical reactions create hot water, is 4,908 Fahrenheit larger than the Earth’s surface.4. Geothermal Energy is the energy that comes from the heat of the Earth, the planet’s surface, which is obtainable through geothermal energy.5. There are numerous types of Geothermal Energy resources, including geothermal steam energy, which is a form of geothermal energy.
SpaceX Success: This Seattle-born company intends to fly Americans to space by 2008 under a plan developed by a former NASA scientist. dubbed Project Constellation, Boeing developed a new flying-wing-vertical-landing concept that will use airplane-style wings and a centralized control system. The company says the new technology will also reduce noise and help with communications and help with emergency landing options. However, some critics say the new plan will not be cost-effective and will increase airlines’ operating costs. Constellation is based on the idea that operating a country’s space program would be too costly and that the government should instead fund a space-shuttle venture. NASA says the space station would be the most cost-effective and most capable venue for a future manned mission to the moon. 5 Stories About South America
Chagas Disease: This is a contagious, incurable, disease caused by shigellosis, a disease caused by mites. The mites are part of the European gyrosphere, and the disease is carried by birds and fleas. Once the disease occurs, it results in the overwhelming body of fevers, which can be fatal. There are several types of Chagas Disease, including the diabetic coma, the tropical yellow fever, and therabies virus. This is especially dangerous for infants, developing infants, and pregnant women. Early symptoms of the disease include jaundice, edema, fatigue, and physical weakness. However, in most cases, Chagas Disease results in a gradual physical and mental decline.
Listeria: Listeria is a Proteus virus that is transmitted by infected raw meat. The virus is highly contagious and usually causes fever, rash, and diarrhea. A treatment involves taking samples of the spinal fluid, blood, and brain of a victim. If the sample is tested positive for Listeria, an effective treatment involves treating the patient with quinine and furocale. However, a drug called ciprofloxacin is often used because it has a much lower incidence of side effects than do the quinine and theazureptic drugs used for treating Listeria. 5 Stories About South America
Somnemia: This is a blood disorder in which the malaria parasites are found in the red blood cells. The victims can be treated with iron and penicillin.
Trypomstomy: This trypomstomy is caused by a deficiency in the tryptophan detoxification enzyme. The tryptophan is a amino acid that helps to process tryptophan into serotonin. However, in people with tryptophan shortages, the synthesis of serotonin is unable to take place and the synthesis of energy (calories) is also affected. People suffering from trypomstomy can have difficulties in concentrating and have often been found to be weak. 5 Stories About South America
Malaria: This insect bite causes the symptoms of insufficient oxygen,bed constriction, nausea, profuse sweating, salt-induced hypotension, and convulsions (fits). The virus or parasites cause the neurological symptoms of anemia, delirium, and/or pneumonia. A treatment involves treating the patient with several drugs such as gel electrophoresis/imiquim, gown flushing, and drug resistance medications.
P Seen: This is a fancy medical term used to describe postoperative infections. P Seen is caused by mites, also known as septicemia, schistosomiasis, and trachoma. When these parasites grow in the skin, they produce oil that can cause irritation,Red Cross/ Red Crescent Mean Even if the mites are not directly felt they still pose a risk to the patients. The management is to treat it as such – alcohols, glycerides, lens fuels, and lotions or antibiotics.